A downloadable game

The Gem of Edric follows the story of the Player,  who ventures into a hidden dungeon deep underground to find a lost gem that the prophecy swore would be there. 

The gem was put there by Edric, an adventurer that was caught in some trouble and had to bail out of the dungeon but left the Gem behind. All other adventurers that made their way down in the dungeons to find the Gem never made their way back out. 

It is up to you to venture through the dungeon, find the Gem of Edric and uncover the secrets along the way.

I am not a good gamedev. I've only made one other game aside from this and that was a flappy bird clone. I do expect this game to get finished however I have no clue when that will be. This game also won't be the longest but to make up for the lack of gameplay aspects, I plan to make the story as interesting as possible.

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